Healthy and Safe Communities
Goal: “Hamilton is a safe and supportive city where people are active, healthy, and have a high quality of life.”
Winter 2024
What impact might climate change and extreme weather events have on facilities owned and managed by the City of Hamilton?
Research and recommendations to expand the Team UP to Clean Up community clean up program, with a particular eye to attracting more volunteers an using the program to support equity in the delivery of city services.
Litter is a persistent challenge in Hamilton that has direct and indirect negative effects on the well-being of the City and its residents.
To generate interest and create awareness of the role trees play in mitigating climate change.
Exploring what barriers impact accessible transit pick up and drop off, and how can they be addressed through planning and design?
What barriers do women in Hamilton face to cycling, and what can be done to increase the rates?
School Safety Zones (SSZs) policies need policy updates that are human-centred and evidence-informed.
How can the Macassa Lodge Adult Day program ensure it is optimally meeting the needs of the communities it serves?
How do residents of the City of Hamilton want to be communicated with about Water, Wastewater and Stormwater?
What entry gaps are children experiencing in early years education and what are strategies for seamless entry?
Identifying opportunities to increase participation in Recruitment
Design & build an interactive, easy to update digital solution that lists appropriate perinatal mental health services.
How does our urban forest support the mental and physiological health and wellbeing of our residents?
Fall 2023
63 Construction Engineering Technician - Building Renovation students partner to provide affordable housing units in Hamilton
Amending Municipal Law to Protect the Right to Health and Safety
Incorporating Climate justice into decision-making
Building a Healthy Active Living: Empowering Riverdale Residents
Identifying opportunities to increase participation in Recruitment
What is the compliance with right-in-right-out rules, and how could we further increase traffic safety?
How can the Macassa Lodge Adult Day program ensure it is optimally meeting the needs of the communities it serves?
What barriers do women in Hamilton face to cycling, and what can be done to increase the rates?
How do we get secondary school students to engage in active and sustainable modes of travel?
How to communicate with residents of the City of Hamilton about lead in drinking water?
Winter 2023
Fall 2022
How do various organizations, institutions, and collaborative tables in Hamilton intersect with the priority areas of Hamilton’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan?
How can HSR ensure that all Hamiltonian’s feel welcome and safe (from hate) while using transit?
How might we accurately assess the needs and balance competing priorities of residents and other stakeholders in the community regarding the housing market?
How might the City of Hamilton work with partners and citizens to address challenges in market rental housing and ownership affordability?
How might we, as SIR CityLab students, identify problems surrounding housing to build a long-term Housing Sustainability and Investment Plan (HSIP) that addresses affordable home ownership in cooperation with various stakeholders in Hamilton?
How might we help design strategies and policies to strive to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of adequate rental properties that are affordable for the residents of Hamilton?
How might we focus on engaging the residents of Hamilton to determine how we can understand the current issues around community housing and help Hamilton develop a better housing investment and sustainability plan for them?
How might we learn more about the needs and experiences of those using transitional and community housing in Hamilton in order to deliver a housing strategy which ensures a decrease in unstable living conditions?
What are the fundamentals of successful grant writing for digital equity programs?
How have other municipalities improved inclusion and measured progress, and which elements should be incorporated into a Hamilton campaign?
Winter 2022
How can we help senior tenants feel safe in City housing?
Implementing Digital Innovation in Long Term Care Facilities
Do we need parking on campus? How can we get people to rely more on sustainable modes of transport?
How do we create a better housing experience and support system for tenants who are newcomers and immigrant tenants?
How can we develop a sustainable safety and security model for CityHousing Hamilton that is based on a social work/security combination?
What could be done to improve opioid-related care and services in Hamilton?
How can we develop successful anti-renoviction policies and programs to restrict the practice of renovictions in Hamilton?
Fall 2021
How can we improve community engagement and encourage feedback from the community on cycling infrastructure projects?
What community improvements do Hamiltonians want to see with the construction of the new LRT, in order to address social concerns and provide real, tangible benefits to the community?
Winter 2021
How can we reduce the digital divide in the Beasley Neighbourhood by creating a community Wi-Fi program?
How can the Hamilton Public Library safely engage with members who are unable to access digital services during the pandemic?
How can CityHousing Hamilton create a furniture bank to address new tenant needs?
How can we use data to identify needs and solution in neighbourhoods facing income inequality?
How can we create an electronic platform for families to better engage in the lives of their loved ones in long-term care facilities at the City?
Fall 2020
How can Hamilton maximize community engagement and citizens needs in the development of a Master Parks Plan?
What can be done now to prevent disastrous climate change consequences down the road for the Hamilton community?
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, how can we increase physical distance between pedestrians and maintain safe thoroughfares for cyclists?
How can the City of Hamilton best re-establish community engagement that has been lost during the pandemic?
Winter 2020
Building off of Phase 1, how can a portion of the City’s minimum grid cycling network be implemented based on previous experience with specific cycling infrastructure designs across Hamilton?
How can we help improve health outcomes of vulnerable populations with active transportation tools that already exist?
How can we make cost-effective and data-driven decisions about parking at CityHousing?
Is there an innovative way of assessing the risk of discharges to our sewer system leveraging currently existing tools?
How can we encourage and support young adults to replace some of their sitting time with physical activity --- standing and moving --- to help reduce health risks linked with too much sitting?
How to demonstrate the need for rural transportation options for 55+ and others in Hamilton through a health lens
Utilizing technology to ensure excess soils are managed, tracked and logged in a transparent and efficient manner.
Planning a Walking School Bus in the area of G.L. Armstrong E.S. and Sacred Heart C.E.S.
Develop materials showing great routes to cycle recreationally in Hamilton.
Design an initial Sustainable Neighborhood Action Plan
How can the library better support the Hamilton community through educational initiatives that promote food literacy?
What are the best methods for sharing resources and making connections across social service providers to ensure people get the supports they need
What new digital tools can Hamilton Fire Department add to their toolbox to help them identify and fight fires?
How can the Hamilton Public Library increase library participation for families with newborns and newcomers to Canada?
Fall 2019
Propose a method of communication to raise awareness about community paramedicine in Hamilton.
Researching the changing community needs and the barriers in accessing support resources in Hamilton.
Preparing Hamilton for extreme weather caused by climate change
The impacts of transportation on health and the solutions in Hamilton
Developing an active transportation network of multi-use trails
Guides on how to grow and eat fresh produce in Hamilton
Determining what constitutes a connected cycling network in Hamilton
Helping Hamilton assess the impact of shoreline changes to fish
Balancing competing human rights with service animals
Building a Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan
Soil tracking automated monitoring program
A Hamilton case study