Informing Early Years System Expansion

How might we organize the volume of quality documents that contain data during the pandemic years 2020 and 2021 into a digital format for analysis and identify the units of analysis based on the seminal resources associated with ELCC quality (e.g., HDLH) to provide evidence to inform planning and decision-making for Canada-Wide ELCC?


Hamilton’s Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) is historically shifting to a universal service model. Canada-wide ELCC is anticipated to result in service system expansion related to affordable child care for eligible children. Increases in service operators and demands for service from families with children 0-6 years of age is expected. The Hamilton ELCC Quality Program supports operators who have funding agreements with the City. The Quality Program was maintained throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with primary data collection that requires analysis to inform the future. Evidence-informed planning and decision-making to support managing and maintaining continuity in Hamilton’s high-quality ELCC service delivery is a priority over the next year.


Determine how Hamilton’s past quality priorities will inform priorities in the future with expected service expansion and service demands. A repository of data from 2020 and 2021 requires additional support to expand the City’s capacity with managing and analysing the volume of data that was collected during the pandemic.


  1. Organize documents into a digital data format

  2. Determine units of analysis based on seminal resources

  3. Analyse the data including reliability/validation controls

  4. Generate data output

  5. Present key findings

  6. Generate a report

Student Team: Daniel Buckler, Andrew Davies, Kevin Estriga, Josh Hidalgo, Joanne Kim, Hayley Koens, Eric Meandro, Cassandra Roque, Hrithik Sharma, Ryan Van Hoesel and Dania Wood

Faculty & Course: Emily Scherzinger, PHD, McMaster University, Social Entrepreneurship Capstone - IBH 4AB6

City Staff: Marion Trent-Kratz, Early Years Senior Research Advisor, Healthy and Safe Communities

Project Agreement