How can immigrant and refugee newcomers to Hamilton find information about relevant services, resources, and programs in a timely manner?”
Student Names:
Bohan Gou, Julian A Fernandez M, Sebastian Rojas, Abdullah Mousavi
Staff Member:
Sarah Wayland, Senior Project Manager, Immigration Partnership, Healthy and Safe Communities Department
Community Partner:
Lily Martin-Lumsden, Senior Regional Manager, YMCA
Community Partner:
Lily Martin-Lumsden, Senior Regional Manager, YMCA
Joe Varrasso, Esteve Hassan
Course and Department:
Software Engineering Project (Comp CO867), CSAIT
Mock up of the your first days in Hamilton app
Newcomers to Hamilton require access to services to help them ease their transition. Many new immigrants and refugees experience difficulties finding and accessing the many services available to them. While there is a wealth of information available, it can be difficult to access in an easily organized and central way, particularly for those who are new to the city.
Students of the Software Engineering program at Mohawk College - Bohan, Julian, Sebastian, and Abdullah created an application to help newcomers find these resources, by creating a graphical user interface, and a newly designed home page for their application.
Next they will consult with the Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council to further develop their design and content and explore further collaboration.