Creating a Vision for a Minimum Grid Cycling Network Phase II

How can a portion of the City’s minimum grid cycling network be implemented based on previous experience with specific cycling infrastructure designs across Hamilton?

Minimum Grid Phase II Winter 2020 Poster.jpg
Alternative Cross-Section - Two-Way Multi-Use Trail on South Side (Barton Street East at Nash)

Alternative Cross-Section - Two-Way Multi-Use Trail on South Side (Barton Street East at Nash)

Alternative Cross-Section - Bicycle Lanes with Painted Buffer (Barton Street East)

Alternative Cross-Section - Bicycle Lanes with Painted Buffer (Barton Street East)

As the City of Hamilton moves towards building more protected/separated bicycle lanes (e.g., Cannon Street, Bay Street, Hunter Street, etc.), there is interest in creating a minimum grid network. It is important to identify the gaps in the existing network to make this happen, review upcoming projects and explore areas that could be retrofitted to protected bike lanes. The challenge is to determine what a minimum grid cycling network could look like in Hamilton!

Goals(s): As part of the City’s long-term plans for a minimum grid cycling network, produce effective designs for a segment within the network in East Hamilton.

City Staff:

Rachel Johnson, Project Manager- Sustainable Mobility, Planning and Economic Development

Peter Topalovic, Program Manager Sustainable Mobility, Planning and Economic Development

Faculty: Sean Nix, Mohawk College

Course: TRAN TR592 (Transportation Project 1)

Project Location: City-wide

Strategic Priorities: Community Engagement and Participation, Healthy and Safe Communities, Clean and Green, Built Environment and Infrastructure

For more information on this project, check out the Project Agreement below!

Project Agreement