Understanding the Housing Crisis with Business Cases

Understanding Use of Land and Rental Market in connection with the University for costing solutions to the housing crisis.

Project Description:

The Fall 2022 SIR focused on the housing crisis, in which student teams looked at the currently unhealthy housing continuum, from transitional housing to market ownership. This project will develop multiple business cases that articulate the evidence-based reasoning and benefits to issues brought forth in the work of the Fall 2022 SIR students. The intended audience for these business cases is Hamilton politicians, as well as community advocates, activists, and organizers, and may be distributed to organizations like the Hamilton Encampment Support Network (HESN), or ACORN Hamilton (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

In Scope:

Create business cases with evidence-based research to help inform Hamilton housing stakeholders on potential solutions. In doing so, the group will present a mid-term progress presentation and business case. 

The following areas of focus include:

  • The Student Body of McMaster University

  • Unaffordable rent

  • Effectiveness of Land Usage 

  • Tenancy Rights

Background Research:

The group will conduct a thorough review and in-depth analysis of previous reports on the housing crisis provided by previous SIR students as well as all other reports found within the drive. This is found in the CityLAB SIR Fall 2022 Final Report Package. 

Student Team: Asmaa Rakik, Claire Kim, Halle Gibson, Johanna Fernanades, Marisa Chrysanthou, Michelle Lucas

Faculty & Course: Dr. Emily Scherzinger, IBH 4AB6B Social Entrepreneurship Capstone

City Staff: Al Fletcher, Manager, Investment in Affordable Housing/Neighbourhood Development, City Of Hamilton

Project Agreement