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Transit’s Role in Enhancing Community Sustainability and Improving Quality of Life

How can we identify transit solutions and strategies that increase health and safety while balancing the needs of the greater community?

Project Description: Community organizations and government departments alike are often hard-pressed to deliver evidence-based research to support their program planning. In the rapidly changing context of COVID-19, access to reliable and fast research for a variety of health-related questions is more important than ever. Identifying the best evidence to inform program development is an urgent priority that requires multi-sectoral collaboration to ensure the bet result.

COVID-19 has uprooted the way in which many social and health services/programs are offered in the community; therefore, such organizations may need help with identifying the best evidence to inform decision-making for program planning. Public Health students at McMaster University enrolled in the Leadership and Applied Public Health course worked in groups of 3-4 and provided consolidated and actionable reports to inform best practices for program development.

City Staff: Ali Sabourin - Customer Experience and Innovation Manager - HSR

Faculty, Course, and Students: Emma Apatu (McMaster University), Sarah Neil-Sztramko (McMaster University), Leadership & Applied Public Health (30 students)

Student reports and findings (Videos, Infographic, Sample Reports):

Nelda Cherrier, Stephanie Hopkins, Joanne Kearon & Robin Tetreault

Sample Reports:

Report Infographic:

(Download Larger Image)

Where will the work go? Input into Customer Experience and Innovation planning and relevant strategic documents (e.g.: (Re)envision HSR)

Project Agreement