How can we extract, analyze, and remediate organic, chemical, and metal pollutants in Hamilton brownfields?”
Students collecting samples from Pier 24
Student Names:
Vinay Joshy, Priyanka Rathor, Kevin Gilchrist, Sara Ghazal, Braydon Macllister
Staff Member:
Carolynn Reid (Business Development Consultant, Planning and Economic Development)
Ethan Paschos, Chris McRorry, Greg Matzke
Course and Department:
Chemical Engineering Technology; Biotechnology, Mohawk College
Partner: Hamilton Harbour Commission
Sampling water from the harbour
As one of Canada’s most industrialized cities, Hamilton has a large number of brownfield sites that need remediation before they can be redeveloped.
Students Vinay, Priyanka, Kevin, Sara and Braydon located a test site at Pier 24 with access provided by the Hamilton Harbour Commission where they geo-located and sampled extensively and then ran analysis of the collected water for contaminant levels.
Next, the students will create a 3D map of the site to show toxic plumage and attempt a small scale phyto-remediation trial while also finding new brownfield sites to expand their project further.
“The multidisciplinary nature of the project surprised us as it involved chemical analysis, GIS, soil sampling, microbiology, working with specific authorities to facilitate paperwork, obtaining quotes from vendors, training new volunteers, health and safety training, etc.”
Students studying results from water analysis