How can the City of Hamilton best re-establish community engagment that has been lost during the pandemic?
Project Description: The City of Hamilton’s Neighbourhood Development Section supports the community through resident-led initiatives that contribute to safe and healthy communities. The pandemic has presented many challenges for the section, including the redeployment of their staff, the weakening of the city’s rapport with neighbourhood associations, and decreased accessibility due to the digital divide present for marginalized communities. CityLAB students will spend the semester exploring potential methods for re-establishing community engagement lost as a result of the pandemic. By the end of the term, CityLAB students will provide recommendations for re-engagement strategies the division can employ once the staff returns.
City Staff: Al Fletcher, Manager Neighbourhood Development, Healthy and Safe Communities
Faculty, Course, and Students: CityLAB Semester in Residence - Blessing, Harshul, Maryam, Rebecca, Saud