How can technology be utilized to ensure excess soils are managed, tracked and logged in a transparent and efficient manner?
The various types of soil classifications with respect to quality that are permitted on any given property is directly related to the zoning and recognized use of that property. The challenge is to track a dump truck from the source site where the soils class and quality is known, to a receiving site for which the City has granted a permit for site alteration. Conversely, this principle could apply to a generating site for which the soil quality is known to be poor and destined for a treatment facility were the City has an interest in ensuring the hauler does not re- route to an inappropriate receiving site.
Goal(s): Assessing the practicability and extend more in depth the items of the proposed framework. Develop an in-depth model encapsulating the parameters required of the program.
City Staff:
Alvin Chan, Manager Legislative Approvals / Staging of Development, Planning and Economic Development
Carlo Ammendolia, Manager Development Engineering - Construction, Planning & Economic Development
George Zajac, Senior Project Manager, Planning and Economic Development
Faculty: Ethan Paschos, Mohawk College
Course: Biotechnology Program – bioinformatics
Project Location: City-Wide
Strategic Priorities: Healthy and Safe Communities, Clean and Green, Built Environment and Infrastructure