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Community Consultation for Parks Master Plan Development

How can Hamilton maximize community engagement and citizens needs in the development of a Master Parks Plan?

Project Context: The Parks Master Plan is a high-level guide that will inform the City of Hamilton’s approach to placing parks and acquiring land. The project is in the early stage of development and requires a community consultation plan that is conducive to the new world with COVID-19. The City will engage residents by asking them about their park use tendencies to develop a park network that suits their needs, maximizes park use and guides locations for future park acquisition.

Challenge Summary: The priority challenge illustrated by City staff revolves around engaging with community members and neighborhood residents to gauge their ‘park-needs'. In order to maximize community engagement efforts, it is essential to determine what consultation methods and strategies--both virtual and in-person-- are preferred by Hamiltonians while also generating useful and relevant data.

City Staff: Cynthia Graham, Manager of Landscape Architectural Services & John Vandriel, Landscape Architect

Faculty, Course, and Students: CityLAB Semester in Residence 2020, Students: Clare McGall, Graeme Fishman, Sage Hartmann, Stephanie Wang

Knocking it out of the park (1).png


  • A comprehensive report outlining community engagement strategies to be relayed to consultants who will continue the community engagement process around the city.

  • Project Showcase in the form of a video

  • Public Engagement Community of Practice Presentation

Where will the work go?

  • The report will be dispersed to consultants who will undertake the consultation process for the development of the Parks Master Plan.

Project Agreement