City of Hamilton has declared Climate Change emergency in 2019. City of Hamilton needs to ensure that they can identify and prioritize neighborhoods based on how resilient/climate change ready these communities are. The goal is to provide them with tools and resources to make them future ready for Climate Change.
Collect and centralized background data on a variety of environmental, social and economic indicators.
Complete a community neighborhood workshop to provide neighborhood consultation.
Conduct 2-4 neighborhood walk-about and neighborhood audits.
Complete detailed Sustainable Neighborhood Action Plan Final design of how a sustainable neighborhood would look like.
City Staff: Trevor lmhoff, Senior Project Manager - Air Quality & Climate Change, Healthy and Safe Communities
Faculty: Zobia Jawed, McMaster University
Course: TBA
Project Location: City-Wide
Strategic Priorities: Clean and Green, Healthy and Safe Communities
For more information on this project, check out the Project Agreement below!