How to communicate with residents of the City of Hamilton about lead in drinking water?

Project Description:

The Division of Hamilton Water uses several methods to communicate with Hamilton residents for a variety of reasons. Some are educational and encourage behavioral change (ie. Toilet flushing behaviours that impact infrastructure and environment), some are informational (ie. Potential health concerns related to Lead Pipes) and some are regulatory (ie. Ensuring compliance with our City by-laws). To relay these messages, we use several different methods including the City’s website, mailed letters, digital ads, radio messages, print ads in newspapers/magazines, and bill inserts. In some instances, we use the City of Hamilton’s social media accounts to share programming information. They sought to understand the most effective methods of communication.  How do residents want to be communicated with? Are they receiving our message and taking action when needed? 

Communications graduate students supervised by Dr. Quail, focused their research on the communication, translation, and sharing of lead information. 

The project outcomes include the following deliverables:

  • Report including literature Review, Communication Strategy, Report Analysis

  • Interactive GIS Map

  • Social Media Graphics: Static and Video

  • Press Release

  • Website Overview

  • Mailer (for a unkown pipe type)

Student Team: Milica Hinic, Kellie McCutcheon and Mélina Nzeza

Faculty: Dr. Christine Quail, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies & Media Arts

Staff lead name: Rob Richarz, Project Manager – Outreach and Education

Additional Staff: Lugene Donelson, Senior Project Manager