Engaging Library Members Offline

How can the Hamilton Public Library safely engage with members who are unable to access digital services during the pandemic?

Project Description:


With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the Hamilton Public Library (HPL) to pivot to online-only programming in March 2020, HPL staff have rolled out a wide variety of digital programming and lending options for members, resulting in a milestone of 1 million digital e-book downloads since the beginning of the year. In the Fall, HPL was able to provide safe, in-person, pickup options for print materials, as well as creative telephone-based programming for seniors. Knowing that members engage with and use materials, services, and programming in very different ways depending on many factors including digital skills, access to technology, and personal preference, it is important for the library to consider novel ways of engaging with members who do not have digital access or would prefer not to access programs online.

City Staff: Krystin Parkinson, Strategic Planning & Engagement Coordinator, Hamilton Public Library

Faculty, Course & Students:  Jim Vanderwoerd, Redeemer University, Capstone 410A, 4-5 students

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Where will the work go and what will it be used for:  The deliverables of this project will be used by HPL's programming team to design and implement new programs for the community. Any primary research such as surveys and interviews would be incorporated into our programming planning and our strategic planning process due to this project's timing.

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Learn more about this challenge at our Matchmaker Session