How can HSR ensure that all Hamiltonian’s feel welcome and safe (from hate) while using transit?
HSR (Hamilton Street Railway) has recently adopted 6 guiding principles, one of which is “We honour equity, diversity and inclusion” (and accessibility). HSR is seeking ways to embed this principle in its organizational DNA, to support increased staff knowledge, demonstrate core commitments to our customers, and encourage a universally welcoming space within public transit.
Photo Showing Inside an HSR Bus
The key objective for a student team is to research what actions have been taken by other jurisdictions, public services and transit authorities at municipal levels. The goal of this initiative is to more fully understand and quantify/qualify existing challenges and opportunities; and to develop further initiatives that will result in a public transit environment that is welcoming and free from hate, harassment and discrimination. Upon compiling this environmental scan, students will develop a recommendation report identifying challenges and benefits from various approaches, outline lessons learned from other authorities, and deliver a set of recommendations for HSR to incorporate into their future projects.
Objective: Conduct research to identify and develop program and/or policy recommendations to support equity, diversity, and inclusion on HSR transit.
Where the work will go and what it will be used for: Deliverables will be used to inform further strategies, policy development and programs within HSR transit and where applicable, at the City of Hamilton generally.
City staff: Jay Adams, Senior Project Manager, Customer Experience.
Faculty & Course: Chuck Ma, Capstone 410, Redeemer University
Students: Andrew Teasdale, Elena Hovingh, Kyla Clarke, Rachel Quach, Godsfavour Ouloto, and Amber Demmans