How might we conduct a traffic assessment to find any operational or safety deficiencies, as well as identify opportunities to expand active transportation infrastructure in the Rolston Neighbourhood?”
Student Names:
Maurice Abu-Nassar, Smeeta Adiga, Christian Aguilar, Jeremy Beach, Matthew Cavasin, Shaokai Chen, Gregory De Tina, Matthew Doering, Mustafa Eyoub, Samuel Gomes, Jonathan Holmes, Md Iqbal, James (Andrew) Johnson, Auzair Khan, Hadi Khavarian, Ryan Krantz, Muyuan (Mark) Ma, Kyle Martinho, Ahamed Munshif Mohamed Muccaram, Gabriel Sanseverino, Andrew Szajkowski-Miles, Weiwa (Hildar) Zhu
Jocelyn Strutt (Project Manager, Neighbourhood Action Strategy) & Joanne Starr (Traffic Operations and Engineering Services)
Sean Nix, Professor and Program Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Technology & Valerie Parke, Professor, Liberal Studies
Course and Department:
TRAN TR592 (Transportation Project 1), Engineering Technology & COMM LL571 (Speech Presentation Skills), Liberal Studies
Local residents and the Rolston Planning Team have noticed traffic violations like cars rolling through stop signs, speeding, and dangerous situations for school children in the neighbourhood.
A group of Mohawk Engineering students collected field data at most intersections and midblock segments within the Rolston Community related to speed, turning movements and infrastructure inventory. They then assessed the field data alongside other supplied data from the City of Hamilton Traffic Operations & Engineering Services group to generate recommendations that would improve traffic safety and increase active transportation infrastructure within Rolston Community. This included a public information centre open to the public on the students’ findings.
Next the students will submit the recommendations to City of Hamilton staff for review as well as the Rolston Planning Team (local residents group) for informational purposes.
“Ultimately, this was a rewarding experience for the students – particularly the ability to present their findings to a direct client as part of their capstone presentation.”
“This course is run differently from other courses within the program in that little instruction is provided to the students, and yet they must carry out a substantial project from start to finish.”