How could Hamilton have a minimum grid cycling network?
Final Project Report: Hamilton’s Minimum Grid
Project Description: Our group is responsible for cycling infrastructure in the city. This project will focus on the existing Cycling Master Plan. As the City moves towards building more protected/separated bicycle lanes (think Cannon, Bay, Hunter) there is interest in creating a minimum grid network. It is important to identify the gaps in the existing network to make this happen, review upcoming projects and explore areas that could be retrofitted to protected bike lanes. The challenge is to determine what a minimum grid cycling network could look like in Hamilton!
City Staff: Rachel Johnson, Program Coordinator-Sustainable Mobility
Instructor(s): Dave Heidebrecht, McMaster University
Department: CityLAB, Semester in Residence
Students: Deborah Quist, Gabriella Christopher, Hannah Stoesz, Maryam Rana, Parsa Ayani, Taddeo Moretti.
Course: CMTYENGA 4A06: Design and Dialogue Inquiry, CMTYENGA 4A09: Applied Project Experience
Deliverables: Primary Research (ie. conducting surveys and/or collecting data), Secondary Research (i.e. review of literature and finding information from books and online)
Location: Ward 2
City Strategy Priority: Community Engagement and Participation, Healthy and Safe Communities, Clean and Green, Built Environment and Infrastructure