Winter 2024 CityLAB Projects
What impact might climate change and extreme weather events have on facilities owned and managed by the City of Hamilton?
How do we get secondary school students to engage in active and sustainable modes of travel?
Research and recommendations to expand the Team UP to Clean Up community clean up program, with a particular eye to attracting more volunteers an using the program to support equity in the delivery of city services.
Litter is a persistent challenge in Hamilton that has direct and indirect negative effects on the well-being of the City and its residents.
To generate interest and create awareness of the role trees play in mitigating climate change.
What are potential approaches for creating an Acquisition Strategy to acquire properties or housing units to increase the availability of affordable housing for Hamilton?
What are effective approaches to engaging and communicating with the community about housing related topics?
What tools or approaches exist to measure employee productivity in hybrid work environments? How might such models be applied in the context of hybrid work by employees of the city of Hamilton?
What do we know about how hybrid work environments affect work culture, employee morale, equity and other benefits (to workers/to employees)? How might research on this topic inform approaches to HR at the City of Hamilton?
Exploring what barriers impact accessible transit pick up and drop off, and how can they be addressed through planning and design?
What barriers do women in Hamilton face to cycling, and what can be done to increase the rates?
School Safety Zones (SSZs) policies need policy updates that are human-centred and evidence-informed.
How can the Macassa Lodge Adult Day program ensure it is optimally meeting the needs of the communities it serves?
Develop and present recommendations for an optimized organizational structure
How can we make it easier for older adults to find information on various housing options and supports as they age?
Creating and testing a health assessment tool for publicly owned woodlots.
How do residents of the City of Hamilton want to be communicated with about Water, Wastewater and Stormwater?
What entry gaps are children experiencing in early years education and what are strategies for seamless entry?
Identifying opportunities to increase participation in Recruitment
Design & build an interactive, easy to update digital solution that lists appropriate perinatal mental health services.
How does our urban forest support the mental and physiological health and wellbeing of our residents?
How can we reach Hamilton youth in impactful way to motivate them to use Hamilton transit?
What socio-demographic and self-identified factors impact the sense of belonging among immigrants to Hamilton?