Creating and testing a health assessment tool for publicly owned woodlots.
This is a continuation of the Redeemer project started in Fall 2023:
Project Description
As diseases and invasive species enter the City of Hamilton, we are unable to accurately protect publicly owned forested woodlots because we lack tools to assess and monitor the long-term health of these woodlots. In addition, without the knowledge of the current state of these woodlots, we cannot prioritize improving their health through different Forestry management initiatives (e.g., planting, invasive species removal). With a tool that streamlines and creates uniformity in collection and assessment, city staff will know how to make informed decisions.
Project Components:
The students will be required to build an assessment tool for the City of Hamilton staff to examine 2 aspects of city-owned woodlots. The two aspects are:
Potential for expanding the woodlots with additional tree plantings.
Need for monitoring and maintenance of invasive species within the woodlots.
There are three tasks to be completed:
Woodlot Health Assessment Tool: Building Criteria & Tool
Assessing /scoring for priority level 1) planted, 2) invasive species monitoring and management, 3) Both.
Test the assessment tool within predetermined city-owned woodlots.
Create a woodlot health assessment report with results from using the tool.
City Staff: Shannon Clarke, Forestry and Horticulture, Project Manager of Forest Health
Additional City Staff: Kristen Bill, Forestry and Horticulture, Project Manager of Forest Health
Instructor name: Bill Docherty, Environmental Engineering Instructor, Mohawk College