What are municipalities doing to engage with their customers and how can we increase our customer survey participation?
Project Description: Corporate Asset Management is required to understand customer values and customer levels of service as it relates to all services provided by the City. These customer values and levels of service are used in the development of Asset Management Plans and assist the City in understanding what is important to our customers and whether or not they are satisfied with the current levels of service being provided. As such, we have completed engagement surveys using both an online platform and paper copies. The participation numbers for our surveys have been low and we are looking to better understand what other municipalities (specifically asset management sections) are doing to collect this customer information for the development of their Asset Management Plans. We have limited budget for this task and are hoping to gather some best practices from other municipalities so that we can enhance our ability to reach all users of City services.
City Staff: Jasmine MacDonald, Sr. Project Manager, Corporate Asset Management
Deliverables: Primary Research Report
Project Start Date/ Availability: Fall 2024
Location: City Wide
City Strategy Priority: Community Engagement and Participation, Economic Prosperity and Growth