How can AI assist in Development Planning inquiries from the public and developers? Is there a business case to adopting AI? What type of investment (time, staff, resources) are we looking at? Will it pay off?
Project Description: AI is infiltrating all sectors including Municipal Planning. Kelowna, BC and Burlington, ON are early adopters and the City would like assistance exploring the pros and cons. Who is using it and what for? Is it working and creating efficiencies?
In the Planning Dept we handle a great deal of inquiries from the public and developers about parcels of land and development potential.
City Staff: Tricia Collingwood, Manager, West Development Team and Business Facilitation, Planning and Economic Development
Deliverables: Primary research Report, Business Case, Prototype, Event/Workshop
Project Start Date/ Availability: Fall 2024
Location: City Wide
City Strategy Priority: Community Engagement and Participation, Economic Prosperity and Growth