Employee Leadership in Office Greening

How can we further engage employees in office greening strategies to improve the sustainability and success of greening initiatives?


Project Description: The City of Hamilton offices in Jackson Square have implemented a number of green office initiatives, including water fountain retrofits to support refilling, composting in kitchens and washrooms, and energy upgrades, but they are interested in continuing their efforts.

City Staff:  Peter Topalovic, Project and Program Manager - Sustainable Mobility,

Instructor(s): Kate Whalen, McMaster University

Department: Faculty of Science, McMaster Unitveristy

Students: Anchana Kuganesan, Helly Shah and Spencer Williams

Course: SUSTAIN 4S06 -- Leadership in Sustainability, McMaster's Sustainable Future Program

Location: Ward 2

City Strategy Priority: Economic Prosperity and Growth, Healthy and Safe Communities, Clean and Green, Our People and Performance

Final Project Report