Waste Management at the City of Hamilton

How can Hamilton’s waste management system reduce its greenhouse gas emissions?

City of Hamilton has declared Climate Change emergency in 2019. The City of Hamilton Waste Management Division is looking to ensure that their planning, capital investments, policies, and outreach activities are prioritized to address greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste management practices in the City.


1. Collect information on potential identified project (City)

2. Collect information on best practices (national and international with support from City staff on feasibility with Hamilton)

3. Calculating potential GHG reductions associated with each project

4. Calculating costs or savings associated with each project

5. Producing a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) and supporting report.

City Staff: Glenn Watt, Project Manager - Waste Collections, Public Works

Faculty: Greg Zilberbrant, McMaster University

Course: TBD

Location: City Wide

City Strategy Priority: Climate Emergency Declaration, Solid Waste Management Master Plan

Project Agreement