What gaps existing in the current pollinator garden network in the city and where can new gardens be located on City lands to best contribute to this network?
Project Description:
Project Description: The Office of Climate Change Initiatives at the City of Hamilton is mandated to implement Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy. Central to the work of the OCCI is the reduction of greenhouse gases and decreasing and preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change. This work includes contributing to the creation of a city-wide network of pollinator gardens that contributes to the city-wide Pollinator Paradise Project.
Interest in the pollinator garden project is growing with many applications to turn public land into gardens that support the increase of pollinators across the city. With this growth comes the need to be strategic to ensure the effective placement of pollinator gardens.
Over the past decade, new pollinator gardens have been established across Hamilton and mapped as part of the Pollinator Paradise Project (PPP), including several on City of Hamilton property. As the City continues to receive new requests to develop pollinator gardens on its land there is a need to undertake planning on where additional gardens should be located. Site selection should be based on what locations best contribute to the PPP objective of a continuous network across the city, while being balanced against the City’s need for operational feasibility. The end goal is to develop a plan in order to locate gardens that are both ecologically beneficial and sustainable longer-term.
City Staff: Adam Watson, Project Manager, Office of Climate Change Initiatives/Planning & Economic Development
Additional City Staff: Robyn Pollard, Manager of Forestry & Horticulture, Kara Bunn, Manager of Parks & Cemeteries
Instructor: Harold DeVries
Course name: Core Capstone Experience (CTS-410)
Students: 5 fourth year students