What is next for fleet greening beyond Hamilton’s current 2024 Green Fleet strategy?
Project description: The City of Hamilton’s Public Works Energy Fleet and Facilities division has developed a thorough Action Plan and taken steps toward greening and updating the fleet of city vehicles to decrease the City’s climate impact. This focus has included upgrading vehicles, retrofitting with aftermarket modifications, implementing the use of biodiesel, and more. Much of this focus has been on improving the light vehicle weight class. Public Works is seeking a student team to conduct research on the next wave of fleet greening innovation, by looking at leading countries and regions (ex: Europe) in these practices and understanding the future of fleet innovation. What is next beyond light-duty vehicle upgrades, beyond the current strategy? What is on the global forefront for electrification and greening of medium and heavy-duty vehicles? Other areas of consideration are examining the use of hydrogen, which is not readily or widely available for use in Canada. What could be the steps necessary for expanding this use in the Canadian market?
Objective: To identify, research, and evaluate upcoming technologies and innovations in fleet greening from leading regions around the world, with specific consideration to feasibility in Hamilton regarding fueling infrastructure, weather, and access.
City Staff: Lesley Parker, Senior Analyst, Fleet Acquisition, Public Works
Project Start Date/ Availability: Fall 2022
Location: City Wide
City Strategy Priority: Build Environment and Infrastructure, Clean and Green