How can we consolidate and analyse public feedback to help inform the Hamilton Police Service’s operations over the next four years?
Project Description: The Hamilton Police Service is consulting a wide variety of community stakeholders in order to inform its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. As part of this initiative, staff are seeking feedback and engagement from Hamilton citizens through a variety of approaches, including online surveys and focus group sessions.
We are engaging many of our diverse communities to ensure we’re getting feedback from as many of our community members as possible.
As we gather this raw data, we are specifically seeking help from academic partners who would be able to assist with aggregating and conducting thematic analysis on the qualitative data in order to identify themes and determine priorities for the organization.
City Staff: Robin Abbott, Inspector, Professional Development Division
Deliverables: Review and aggregate collected data to identify themes and priorities
Project Start Date/ Availability: Spring 2022 (Spring/Summer term)
Location: City Wide
City Strategy Priority: Community Engagement and Participation