Who's Voting? Making Municipal Elections More Accessible

Who is and isn’t voting in Hamilton’s municipal elections, and how can we enhance access to voting and elections information for all Hamiltonians?

Project Description: The municipal government plays a vital role in upkeeping the community. Municipal governments are responsible for managing roads, development, industry, and other affairs. For this reason, the municipal government must represent the interests of its community members. As such, municipal elections are very important yet often overlooked by community members. The municipal elections in Hamilton occur every four years, with the next one scheduled to happen in October 2022.

Challenge Summary: The priority challenge of this project is to gather and analyze past voter demographic data. We will also explore how eligible voters receive and share election information through piloting focus groups. The City will use our report and our recommendations to increase communication with non-voters to raise participation.

City Staff: Conor Flood & Tammy Reeves, Coordinators, Elections, City of Hamilton; Aine Leadbetter, Manager, Elections & Print/Mail

Faculty, Course & Students: Semester In Residence 2021, Milica Hinic, Sharon Lim, Megan Marsh, Muntaka Siddique, Vithuyan Sugumar