How can we increase options for training and education of devices and support programs in Hamilton?
Project Description:
The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the digital divide that many communities face as school, work, and socializing have become increasingly reliant on access to the internet. This digital divide has 3 components – 1) lack of available connectivity; 2) access to devices; 3) training and education for the user of devices. In collaboration between City of Hamilton and Redeemer Students, we are looking for students to focus on component #3 and explore opportunities for training, education, and support for the users of the devices. Some of the questions that need to be addressed:
Are there other municipalities that we can look to for innovative solutions or who have already implemented training and education programs?
Are there other municipalities that we can look to for innovative solutions or who have already implemented training and education programs?
What are some of the existing programs and models used to support training and education in Canada/Ontario/Greater Toronto Area?
Are there any current programs in Hamilton and can they be increased or expanded in capacity?
What is the typical program cost to setup, including staffing models, equipment cost, space utilization etc.?
Where does the funding typically come from and how can the sustainability be ensured?
What is a typical timeline to setup a program?
Is there a specific eligibility criterion for users to participate in such a program? How does one register in such a program?
What is a typical setup of a program?
Are there different levels of programs? Beginner, Intermediate, Expert?
Is there any certificate that’s issued at the end of the program?
How long is a typical program?
Is there any walk-in support available?
What tools and software are included in curriculum?
What kinds of devices are included in the education program? Smart Phones/Laptops/Tablets etc.?
What are the hours of the operation of such programs?
Suggestions on Hamilton specific models based on interviews with existing subject matter experts and previous program managers who ran similar programs in the city.
What were the successes and learning opportunities from the programs that are no longer running but existed previously (in Canada/Ontario/Hamilton)?
Is there an opportunity to ask Hamilton institutions to partner up and support any such programs?
Challenge Summary:
How can we increase options for training and education of devices and support programs in Hamilton?
Primary research - Interviews with previous program implementation teams
Secondary research - Review of past and existing training, education and support programs, implementation efforts and barriers
Business case - Suggestions for program and implementation efforts in the City of Hamilton
City Staff: Jasleen Arora, Senior Project Manager, City of Hamilton
Faculty: Jim Vanderwoerd, Redeemer University, Professor of Social Work, Core Capstone - CTS410A