Is the City of Hamilton Receiving Value for Money from the Sewer Lateral Management Program?”
Sewer Lateral Management diagram
Student Names:
Jake Bakker, Brianna Burke, Alfonso Coto, Matthew Dawe, Curtis Debonte, Michael Ferreira, Rosemarie Fritz, Hailey Jo Mantel, Johnathan Retsinas, Gloria Robinson, Neal Shepherd, Stephen Speelman, Alex Wouda.
Amy Bodner, Performance Auditor, Audit Services Division, City Manager’s Office
Patricia Leishman, Manager, Process Improvement & Quality, Public Works Department
Wayne Solomon
Course and Department: BUS 415 – Advanced Assurance Services, Business Department
To review the existing SLMP and ascertain, from a high level, what audit objectives, scope and methodology would look like if an audit were performed to ascertain if the City is receiving value for money from this program. Identify some of the risks of the program, how they might be investigated and provide a summary of pertinent issues to be addressed in the planning documents.
Students of the business department at Redeemer University College examined the existing policies and identified gaps in available information in the Sewer Lateral Management Program by analyzing current documents and overviewing Hamilton's current process.
Next the students will determine how the testing of a value for money audit would be implemented and they will discover what source documents would be required to complete such an audit. Finally they will develop a partnership plan where students can test their high level analysis with stakeholders.