How can we make it easier for older adults to find information on various housing options and supports as they age?
Project Description: The City's Seniors Advisory Committee (SAC) would like to develop a housing guide for older adults. The goal is to create a publication that includes information on various types of housing options, housing supports, financial supports related to housing, and well as contact information for the above. SAC would also like to work with students to build an intergenerational and collaborative working relationship. Best practices and research will aid in the development of this publication. This project aligns with the 2021-2026 Hamilton's Plan for an Age-Friendly Community (
Secondary Research
Develop all content for the housing guide
Where the work will go and what it will be used for: The research and best practices will be assembled in an updated guide that will be kept digitally and printed as hard copies. The information will be kept up to date and disseminated through engagement events, recreation, libraries, and more.
City Staff: Lisa Maychak, Project Manager Age-Friendly City, Healthy & Safe Communities/ Long-Term Care Homes Division