Reaching More Voters

What we can do to improve access and encourage participation in the next municipal election?

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Project Description:

Voter turnout in municipal elections has traditionally been low despite the local level of government impacting the lives of Canadians more directly than any other level of government. In the 2018 municipal election, voter turnout for eligible voters in Hamilton overall was 38%. Turnout varied by ward, with some areas of the City reporting rates as low as 31% and others reporting rates above 40%.  Research in other municipalities has indicated that there is a connection between low voter turnout and demographic characteristics such as immigrant status, visible minority, age, income, and homeownership. Based on our understanding and review of previous voter turnout rates, ward profiles, and demographics in the City, it is possible that a similar correlation exists in Hamilton.  

Under the Municipal Elections Act, the City Clerk is responsible for ensuring that elections are fair and accessible to all voters. In advance of the 2022 Municipal Election, the City wants to ensure that we are doing all we can to meet this obligation and to provide our Citizens with access to vote. To meet this goal, we are looking to better understand the barriers to participation faced by our community and want to put measures in place to enhance accessibility for all eligible voters in the City. 

Challenge Summary:

What we can do to improve access and encourage participation in the next municipal election?

In what ways and through which materials (videos, brochures, ‘how-to’ guides, etc.) can we make the voting/voter experience easy to understand for diverse populations? 

What are other municipalities or jurisdictions doing or creating? 

How can we enhance education around the importance of the municipal election?

City Staff: Conor Flood, Election Coordinator, City of Hamilton

Faculty, Course & Students: Gloria Kim, Redeemer University, Core Capstone

Where will the work go and what will it be used for: Students’ work will inform the communication and information materials that the City of Hamilton creates to inform residents of the 2022 municipal election.

Project Agreement