Building a More Equitable City

How can we build a more just and EQUITABLE city through gender and social justice lensES?

Project Description: We are seeking a social justice-oriented project for one team of 3-4 MA students in our two-semester graduate-level community engagement course in the Gender & Social Justice program at McMaster. Gender & Social Justice (formerly Gender Studies & Feminist Research) is a graduate program and learning community committed to the intersectional study of race, sexuality, gender, class, ability, age, and other categories of social life, through feminist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and queer social justice lenses. The program prioritizes community-engaged research and praxis with community partners. Our 707 Knowledge in Action course, centered in community engagement, is a core required course for all Master’s level students. Over the last 13 years, we have partnered with various Hamilton grassroots and established non-profits, as well as university-located groups. We are excited about the possibility of partnering with the City of Hamilton, whose staff members have mentored various projects for us over the years in other capacities.

Proposed project: We are open to learning about the City’s needs and initiatives. We are particularly excited about initiatives around voter turnout for marginalized groups; Hamilton’s initiatives on childcare access for marginalized groups; Hamilton Economic Recovery/Just Recovery dialogue and work; and menstrual health access projects.

Our students are trained broadly in social justice frameworks, and bring strong commitments to progressive concerns. Research and activist interest of our incoming students for the 2021-22 academic year include mental health; health (particularly for trans, non-binary, immigrant/newcomer, and racialized persons); sexuality; gender-based violence; youth; disability; and education.

Our students’ preparation and interests would fit well with the City’s Strategic Plan and Priorities around marginalized communities in a variety of departments.

Please note: Deliverables below will depend on the particular students assigned, and particular City staff/unit interests.

Instructors: Drs. Melinda Gough and Christine Quail, McMaster University

Course: GENDR ST 707: Knowledge in Action, Gender & Social Justice (MA Program), Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University

Deliverables: Primary Research (i.e. conducting surveys and/or collecting data), Secondary Research (i.e. review of literature and finding information from books and online), Feasibility Study, Policy Paper, Advertising Campaign, Marketing Campaign, Pilot, Other: Some of our students are artists; some are educators; several have multi-lingual skills; others are health practitioners and advocates. Project deliverables can potentially be tailored to specific skill sets that the team will bring. (Team will be constituted after project solidification.)

Project Start Date/ Availability: Full-year course, Fall semester 2021 through Winter semester 2022

Location: City-Wide

City Strategy Priority: Culture and Diversity, Economic Prosperity and Growth, Community Engagement and Participation

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