Open for Matching: Public Tree Offsetting Fees

How can we encourage applicants to preserve and/or plant public trees that may be impacted through development?

Project Description: The City of Hamilton issues permits for any works that will affect a public tree in accordance with the City's Public Tree By-Law. The City wants to encourage applicants to preserve existing trees and to plant new trees. The focus of this project is to undertake a review of the practices used in other municipalities for offsetting fees (or “incentives”) for planting new trees, protecting existing trees based on development type. Key project tasks include reviewing and collecting information on what other municipalities are doing, conducting interviews with municipalities, and provide an analysis of the data collected.

City Staff: Louise Thomassin, Senior Project Manager, Public Works Department

Deliverables: Primary research, Secondary research, research report

Project Start Date/ Availability: Spring/Summer 2025, Fall 2025

Location: City Wide

City Strategy Priority: Clean and Green, Economic Prosperity and Growth