Open for Matching: Construction Mitigation for Schools

What can the City of Hamilton do to make road construction zones safer for children who walk to school?

Project Description: Road construction projects have a substantial impact to active transportation in the City of Hamilton. These types of projects, although they are temporary, create barriers and reduce safety for active transportation users. These negative impacts are increased exponentially for school children who are the most vulnerable group of active transportation users. The project would review current City of policies for active transportation detours and routes through road construction areas, review best practices from other municipalities, and determine methods to improve safety for students crossing construction zones.

City Staff: Callaway Johnson, Project Manager, Planning and Economic Development Department

Deliverables: Primary research, Secondary research Policy paper

Project Start Date/ Availability: Fall 2025, Winter 2026

Location: City Wide

City Strategy Priority: Community Engagement and Participation, Built Environment and Infrastructure, Clean and Green, Healthy and Safe Communities